There is a God.. His name is David.

These words are possible the greatest words I have ever read…


I’d like to announce a 1 week “extension” for all students for Assignment 2.

i.e. Assignment 2 is meant to be due on the 28th April (this coming Monday). Instead it will be due on the 5th of May.

This “extension” applies to all parts of the Assignment, including the learning journal. 

I’ll be modifying various aspects of the Study Desk and EASE later on today.

Normally I prefer to see one week between covering any new material required for an assignment, and when that assignment is due. This “extension” is to ensure you have a week between the week 8 learning path and when you need to submit Assignment 2.

Of course, you can feel free to submit early.

If you are amongst the 6 students who have already submitted, if you’d like the opportunity to resubmit, contact me and I’ll enable this.

As always, if you have any questions, please ask.


David (our course examiner) must have heard my cries for help and as a result we now have an extra week to get assignment 2 completed. I was always sure I was going to submit assignment 2 before the due date, however I was scared that because of my lack of time to get it done, my standard of work would have suffered. As a result of this new extension, I can dedicate a large chunk of my time to getting assignment 2 and the learning experiences completed to a standard in which I am happy and demonstrates my passion and ability to incorporate ICTs into learning experiences and assessment. I am also aware that this extra week does not give me an excuse to be complacent, I will still aim to have the assignment completed as early as possible, but for now I am relieved that a huge weight has been somewhat lifted off my already burdened shoulders!

4 thoughts on “There is a God.. His name is David.

  1. Reblogged this on tegansinclair and commented:
    I’m glad I’m not the only one who is relieved with the breathing room David’s extension has offered the ICT students. I really like Kathleen’s comments about not being complacent and it really made me feel driven to provide my beats work. Thanks Kathleen for the inspiration!

  2. Thanks for blogging about this. With being bombarded with so many messages to read this has helped me keep up to date with the latest news while busy writing blogs. Thanks again.

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